Alfred Wong - Physics and the Six Day Creation

Alvin Plantinga - An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism

Alvin Plantinga - An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism 1995

Alvin Plantinga - An Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism 1996

Alvin Plantinga - Evolution vs. Atheism 2004

Alvin Plantinga - Evolution vs. Atheism 2008

Alvin Plantinga - Science and Religion: Why Does the Debate Continue?

Alvin Plantinga - Science and Religion in the 21st Century

Alvin Plantinga - Science and Religion Part

Barry Setterfield - The Velocity of Light

Charles B. Thaxton - The Mystery of Lifes Origin

Charles Thaxton - Why Darwin Wouldn't Write the Origin Were He Alive Today

Dave Hunt - Evolution is Religion

Denis Alexander - Beyond the Conflict: Similarities Between Science and Faith

Denis Alexander - Dawkins and the Divine: Is God a Virus of the Mind? 1 2

Denis Alexander vs. Philip Kitcher Debate - Is Science All We Need? Two Perspectives 1 2

Denis Alexander - The Dawkins Delusion 1 2

Fazale Rana - The Cell’s Design: How Biochemistry Reveals the Work of a Creator

Francis Collins - The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief

Francis Collins - The Language of God: Intellectual Reflections of a Christian Geneticist 2009

Francis Collins - The Language of God

Francis Collins - The Language of God: Intellectual Reflections of a Christian Geneticist 2008

Francis Collins - The Language of God: A Believer Looks at the Human Genome

Francis Collins - Faith and the Human Genome

Gerald Gabrielse - An antimatter physicist confronts questions of understanding & meaning

Guillermo Gonzalez - Our Privileged Planet 1 2

Guillermo Gonzalez - The Fine-Tuning of the Universe 1 2

Henry Schaefer - Searching For Truth in the Cosmos: The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking and God

Henry Schaefer - Scientists and Their Gods

Henry Schaefer - The Way of Discovery

Hugh Ross - A Scientist Who Looked and Was Found 1995

Hugh Ross - Chance or Design? A Scientific Model for Testing Intelligent Design 1 2 3

Hugh Ross - Evolution or Intelligent Design? 2007

Hugh Ross - Genesis & Science: Is There a Problem? 2005

Hugh Ross - Hope, Purpose, and Destiny: What Science Tells Us About the Future of Humanity 2007

Hugh Ross - Is There Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God? 2006, 1 2

Hugh Ross - The Top 9 Objections for Rejecting Christianity 1995

Hugh Ross - What Does The Cosmos Tell Us About God? 1995

Hugh Ross - What Does The Cosmos Tell Us About God? 1995

Hugh Ross - What Recent Discoveries Tell Us About God 1995

Hugh Ross - What the Cosmos Tells Us About God 1995

Ian Hutchinson - Open Forum Q & A

Ian Hutchinson - Science: Christian and Natural

Ian Hutchinson - Science and Faith Discussion

Jay Richards - The Fine-Tuning of the Universe 1

Jay Richards - The Fine-Tuning of the Universe 2

John Polkinghorne - Science in the Public Sphere

Jonathan Wells - Darwinian Evolution or Intelligent Design

Lee Irons - The Days of Genesis

Mark Eastman - DNA: Understanding Evolution's Death Knell

Michael Behe - Exploring Darwin's Black Box

Michael Behe - Is Intelligent Design Necessary for a Full Explanation for the Molecular Structure of Life?

Michael Behe - Lunchtime Talk

Michael Behe - Origins and Design

Michael Behe - Science Stumbles on Design 1 2

Michael Behe - The Argument for Intelligent Design in Biology

Michael Behe - Theologians and Scientists Dialogue

Michael Strauss - On the Origin and Design of the Universe

Michael Strauss - Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God

Michael Strauss - Why Faith and Science Must Agree

Ned Hall - Are Science and Christian Faith at Odds? 1 2

Owen Gingerich - Is It God's Universe?

Philip Johnson - Can Science Know the Mind of God? The Case Against Naturalism

Philip Johnson - Creator or Blind Watchmaker

Philip Johnson - Darwinism: Science or Philosophy

Philip Johnson - Darwinism on Trial

Philip Johnson - Q & A : Darwinism on Trial

Philip Johnson - The Future of the Evolutionary Controversy

Philip Johnson - The Grand Metaphysical Story of Science

Philip Johnson - The Grand Metaphysical Story of Science

Philip Johnson - What the Evolution Controversy is Really About

Philip Johnson - Why a Law Professor Took Up Evolution

Ravi Zacharias - Invested Dignity, Reflective Glory 1 2

Robert C. Koons - Science and Belief in God

Ron Carlson - Evolution

Walter Bradley - Is there Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Creator of the Universe?

Walter Bradley - Is There Evidence For An Intelligent Designer?

Walter Bradley - Is There Scientific Evidence For An Intellegent Designer?

Walter Bradley - Origins and Design

Walter Bradley - Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God

Walter Bradley - Scientific Evidence For an Intelligent Creation

Walter Bradley - Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God 1996

Walter Bradley - Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God 1996

Walter Bradley - The Bio-Friendly Universe: By Design?

Werner Gitt - In the Beginning was Information

William Dembski - Does Science Point to Intelligent Design?

William Lane Craig - Creation Out of Nothing

William Lane Craig - Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

William Lane Craig - Has Science Made Faith In God Impossible?

William Lane Craig - Science and Religion in the 21st Century

William Lane Craig - The Big Bang

William Lane Craig - The Doctrine of Creation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

William Lane Craig - The Doctrine of Creation 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

William Lane Craig - Will the Real Creator Please Stand Up?